USO Hansen Hosts First Ever Fleet Week!

USO Hansen hosted their first annual Kids Fleet Week on Thursday, June 27. Marines from 7th Communications Battalion, 5th Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company, 9th Engineer Support Battalion, 3d Battalion 12th Marines, Truck Company, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Provost Marshal Office, 3D Law Enforcement Dog Handlers, and Expeditionary Operations Training Group showcased specific gear and equipment pertaining to their area of expertise. Over 50 families, 230 participants from Camp Courtney and McTureous came to Camp Hansen to enjoy military static displays, Howitzer demonstrations, interactive Robotic fun, and camouflage face painting just to name a few. This event was an opportunity for our Marines and families to come together and embrace the Marine Corps culture through connectivity, inclusion, and understanding. USO Hansen looks forward to continuing to provide more opportunities to strengthen our military service members by keeping them connected to family, home, and country through events like Kids Fleet Week.

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