USO Okinawa names Fall 2017 Volunteer of the Quarter

Winner: HM3 Corey Boyd Volunteer Location: USO Hansen Occupation/branch of service: 8404 Hospital Corpsman, United States Navy, Field Medic Technician.

Volunteer start date and total # of volunteer hours: HM3 Boyd has been volunteering with USO Hansen since August 2017 and has accumulated 258 hours.

How did the volunteer hear about volunteering with USO Okinawa and what made him/her want to get involved with the USO? HM3 Boyd heard about the USO from fellow sailors, HM1 Sarah Ducksworth and HM2 Keith Miller. They kept telling him how it was a great volunteer opportunity, and that it helped volunteers get to know other people on the base.

What’s the best thing about volunteering? HM3 Boyd says he volunteers because, “I get to interact with so many people who are away from their homes and family because either they’re stationed here, have temporary assigned duty, or are here because of exercises. Not to mention, it’s always exciting when we have a service member come in to pick up a birthday cake!”

What’s a fun fact about the volunteer? A fun fact about HM3 Boyd is that he’s actually gotten in better shape because of the USO, saying “it gives me somewhere else to go after I get off work and, since I walk there and back, I normally end up walking an additional 3 or so miles a day!”

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